Have a wonderful Monday-tommorrow!!!
I remember 5 years ago that Tuesday the 26th waking up and thinking Lord: "I don't think I can handle another day...I want to hold my baby and they keep telling me lets hold off for a little bit longer. Help me please!!" And the phone rang-I answered it. The doctor was calling to tell me that they had decided to start my labor. I was so excited that with in the next day or so I was going to be holding the little bundle of joy. That evening we went to the hospital-we missed visitation(for shame for shame-just kidding-I had good reason too) The nurse had said that I could eat anything that I wanted to until midnight that night...so wonderful hubby went out and bought us domino's pizza:) We had a pizza party-and that is why I am convinced that that is why Caleb l♥ves his pizza; is because that was the last meal he had when he was in my womb. Anyways, that is my memory for today and photo (not the best-but it will do) of what happened almost 5 years ago today:)
2 Lovely Comments:
i like the changes! makes me want to change my blogs, too!
Thanks Betsy...it took a good two days to finalize what I was planning and for making my blog buttons.
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