That would bring my total up to two nieces and one nephew!!
Baby Elizabeth Miriam Holliday
was born last night
7lbs 6 oz{I think} and 19 in at 7:02p.m.!!!
Do pray for her though;
They are going to transfer her to Akron Children's into ICU.
They think that she might have a touch of pneumonia.
Elizabeth keeps vomiting up through her nose and mouth
Elizabeth keeps vomiting up through her nose and mouth
{I know TMI-sorry-I just thought it is better to know than not to}.
They had issues with the N G O{?} looping back up and
They had issues with the N G O{?} looping back up and
They think that her throat isn't attached to her stomach-or something like that.
At any rate the food that she gets doesn't go to her stomach but to her lungs.
They have an IV feeding her at this moment.
At any rate the food that she gets doesn't go to her stomach but to her lungs.
They have an IV feeding her at this moment.
They are not sure if they will need to do surgery to connect her stomach.....
this is why they are transferring her to a "better" hospital that deals with this.
My sister-in-law will be released so that Stephen {my brother}and her can go with baby Elizabeth.
If you can keep them in your prayers I would be very appreciative!
2 Lovely Comments:
Our friends here in kalamazoo have a son that had this problem of his stomach being unattached and food going into his lungs..if they feel the need to talk to this couple (a great Christian family) I'm sure they would be willing to get in contact. Overwhelming now I know, but I wanted to let you know. The little boy is 4 now and in preschool.
Congrats on the arrival of your niece! I'm a RN in a NICU and we see babies with that issue from time to time. If it's an anatomical issue, then surgery will likely be required to fix it.
The wonderful thing about babies is they are so resilient and heal from surgery much quicker than adults. I will keep your family in my prayers :)
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