Monday, January 10, 2011

SNAPWARE WINNER!!! Congrats!!! 7/365

For my "celebration"  of another day the Lord has given to me
I am going to post some pictures
of my wonderful dad.
But first a little bit of dialog
I miss my family a lot!!!

They live 6-7 hours away-not by choice but for reason of vocation.
I usually only get to see them once a year.
Sometimes I see them twice a year-rare but it does happen.

My parents are parents;
they make mistakes just like anyone else out there.
The difference?
They are the ones who brought me up to be me;
and they taught me that everyone makes mistakes.
It isn't the mistakes that make us who we are,
but it is what we learn from our mistakes that help to mold and make us
into what the Lord would have us to be.
My dad is someone who chose to be my dad.
He chose everyday to say "Hi & I love you"
& he meant it.

Is he perfect?
No, not in the sense of being perfect....but is anyone of us perfect?
We all have areas that need a little tweaking;
that is part of life-learning from the mistakes we make.
I am the first to testify that I am not perfect
and I am sure a few others will get in line behind me to say the same
{haha;either about me, or about themselves}
But he was the "perfect" father for me-God had a purpose and a plan.
While growing up things were hard at times-but he never gave up.
He kept fighting and working hard to take good care of us.
Often he would come home with an armful
of gifts to lavish upon my mother and I.
Haha, my mom would tell him not to-but it didn't stop him any;
he was taking care of the girls that he loved so much.
My dad worked many jobs to be sure that we had money for food and other things.
When he would come home late;  it killed him to leave me asleep
he wanted to wake up his"pal"
{even if it was 3 in the morning}
just so that he could share his day with me
this would also give him a chance to play tea party,
dress-up and all the girly little things that I wanted to play.
He dreaded missing anything about me growing up.

{I remember when I was little my mom was going into labor with my brother...
the lady who was babysitting me forgot to brush my hair-boy I looked like a ragamuffin!
My mom wasn't to happy about it-but it is a memory that is funny.
 I think it took like 2 hours for her to brush out my hair}
My dad was so excited to see a new baby that he forgot to brush it out before Mom saw...
it is a funny memory and it is mine and I am going to keep it.

My Daddy loved me and he still does-and that is what is most important to me.
I know that if my dad has a bad day-I have the power to make things all better for him.
I can make him smile with my goofiness and antics
{I can be crazy weird sometimes} but it is worth it if I can make him smile!


My dad doesn't have an easy life;
his broad shoulders carry a lot of weight of stress and caring for his family;
There are a lot of people who do not know or realize how much burden he carries.
This man would give anything in the world to protect his family from harm!
He is a strong man...
but the only reason that he is a strong man is
because he has God who gives him the strength from the day to day.
He lives by example; every morning he reads from the Scriptures.
I remember getting up and getting ready for school; and he would be at the table reading his Bible.
Some other memories:
There was a time when he would wake up really early just to go running with me before he went to work
and I had to go to school.  What a sacrifice-it probably would of been easier for him to say no and sleep in; but he chose to be a Dad to me.
I love his good hearty laugh and miss hearing it everyday!
I wish that we lived closer-but at this time this is what the Lord has for us.
And we are happy and content to be in the Lords will.
 As you can see I am very thankful for my dad
and I could keep going on-but I will digress for now
{because if I don't-I won't have anything to share later on this year}

♥Daddy, I love you this much!!!♥
{hahaha-actually a lot more than that}
Okay would you like to know who won?

Random Number Says:

 Amy From Nine Ninety One is the winner!!
You have 24 hours to contact me
I look forward to bring you some other giveaways soon!
Have  a wonderful Monday!!

2 Lovely Comments:

1. Anonymous said...

Thanks, girl!! Super excited about this.

Great tribute to your dad. While reading it, it reminded me of my dad.-- Sure do love that man.

2. Valerie Attina said...

Oh my Kelly Jo! I am so glad i had time to wander through your site. Your tribute is moving, and the photos are perfect! I never knew how TALENTED you really are!

I'm going to forward your message here to someone special who has some critical choices to make! Another prayer answered! God is just so good -- always!
Thank you!