Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Picture Theme of Love

Give my Boy Wonder Some Credit Here:) 
I told him how I wanted this picture taken...
and I don't believe that he disappointed anyone!!!
See even a five year old can take a good picture:)

I enter this picture over at:
 Her theme was "love"-I think I hit the nail on the head!!!

Do you have a photo that proclaims your love for someone or something? 
Hop on over and post a linky:)

5 Lovely Comments:

Anonymous said...

OOoh I think this is a great photo!

faith ann raider said...

Yoir five year old did a terrific job! I just adore this concept.
Thanks for linking up!

Happy Homemaker And Momma said...

Thank you Faith!! It only took two tries to get this...Boy Wonder is amazing-I hope he gets the "photo eye":)

Happy Homemaker And Momma said...

Thanks Sheri!!

FYH said...

Great shot and very creative...
Love it!