First, Nancy at Roses and Teacups (My favorite online sight for tea things) donated this beautiful little night light, a pretty little decoration for any young ladies room~
So very elegant! I know I would love to win such a darling little night light! Thank you SO much for donating this Nancy!
Next, Mrs. Chancy from Sensibility patterns donated an e-pattern of your choice! Thank you so much Mrs. Chancy, I know we have some seamestress' out there that would LOVE to win an e-pattern from Sensibility.com!
Next, Marie Madeline Studios kindly said they would love to donate as well! Thank you ladies! You all are so kind! So, we are giving away this summer shade jumper pattern~
Along with the fabric to make it with!
What a wonderful Prize! Thank you SO much Ladies!
And then to conclude this wonderful giveaway, The Joy of Jewelry donated these beautiful 'Pure for Life' earrings~
Am sure any young woman out there that is set on staying pure, would love to have these as a symbol of her purity! The winner can choose either clip on, or pierced. Thank you for donating them Joy! They are beautiful!
Is this not a wonderful giveaway? I think I am more excited then you!!! But like I said, this would not be possible if it were not for the generosity of all the beautiful young woman that donated above!
Thank you all SO much!!! You were all so very kind, and generous in your donations! I am sure everyone is as delighted as I am!!!
Good luck!!!
1 Lovely Comments:
Hi, I'm Jobeth from the S&S forums. You said that you wanted to help test the Nissa dress. Please email me for more info on that-- the pattern is just about ready to test!
jordan {at} gnuhaus {dot} com
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